My Yoga World
Happiness, gratitude, contentment, time for the beautiful things in life, ...
Pura Vida Costa Rica
January 2017
Since I am back from Costa Rica, I feel so incredibly alive. So why, what happend?
The spirit of Bali & Lonley Islands – and what I learned about myself and life in the last month
January 2016
During my stay in Bali & Lombok I realized again, why I love it so much to visit other countries in the world and learn about different cultures. ...
Changes in life - Hawaii changed my whole life
November 2014
When I came back from one year in paradise I started to go back to my old life in Innsbruck. I found a good job again ...
Hawaii - the Aloha State
November 2014
Aloha is the spiritual key and signifies the sentiments of affection, sympathy, kindness and love. And this is exactly what you can feel everywhere in Hawaii. ...
Impressum © 2014 Mag. Daniela Walser >
Mag. Daniela Walser > Dipl. Yoga-, Entspannungs & Ernährungstrainerin > Tel. +43 (0)660 5548099 > e-mail: danielawalser@hotmail.com